Water Lines – April 2013
January, 2013 marks the 50th year of AWSC’s service to Argyle and the surrounding region. In the early 1960’s, several community leaders in the Argyle region began to search for a solution to the ongoing problem of safe and dependable drinking water. This effort was led by Yvonne Jenkins, with assistance from several other volunteers. Ed Biggs of Biggs and Mathews, Inc. was contacted by the group, and they became the consulting engineers for the group. Mr. Biggs, along with Mrs. Jenkins and the other volunteers worked their way through the regulatory, political, and legal process that went with the formation of a new public water utility to serve the area. After much professional and volunteer effort, the new utility was formed. Plans and specifications were prepared for drilling the first water well and construction of the first pumping plant and installation of the initial water lines and the first 75 customer service meters. The lender and the State agencies approved the project and construction began. AWSC began serving customers in January of 1963. The first directors were also obliged to sign the note with the U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, who provided the long term, low interest loan to enable the system to begin service. Those directors were Ray Crawford, C. F. Jenkins, Wallace Lynch, T.J. Self, and C. A. Whisenhunt. The dedication, vision, determination, and commitment by all of these local folks are a model of what serving others is all about. Within a few short years, AWSC provided service in the Argyle community, in parts of Bartonville, Denton, and in a large area of unincorporated Denton County. The number of customers has gone from the original 75 to over 2,100 today.
The Directors and staff of AWSC pledge to you to continue to strive for excellence in every regard, and look forward to serving Argyle and the surrounding communities for many years to come.
Effective June 1, 2013, Argyle Water Supply Corporation will enact Stage 1 of its Water Conservation Plan. Stage 1, requires that all landscape watering be limited to the time-of-day schedule between the hours of 6:00 PM to 10:00 AM. Irrigation of landscaped areas with automated sprinkler irrigation systems and hose-end sprinklers, are limited to Wednesdays and Saturdays for customer addresses ending in even numbers, and Thursdays and Sundays for odd ending addresses. Apartments, office building complexes or other property containing multiple addresses are to use the lowest street number. Soaker hoses, hand held hoses or drip irrigation systems may be used on any day without a variance.
AWSC encourages general conservation practices including limiting or delaying installation of new landscape, ornamental fountains, swimming pools, washing cars, or other uses of water that can reasonably be observed.
This conservation measure is in effect until further notice. Additional water use restrictions may be necessary, depending on the conditions. Please read the notice section on your monthly bill for important information on conservation stages and other topics. This region is experiencing an ongoing increase in water demand related to increases in population. Coupled with our normal hot, dry summers, surface and groundwater water supplies are being depleted. Conservation is a key element to preservation of the resource. Please be aware that water wasted through faulty plumbing fixtures or by damaged or improperly operating irrigation systems are the number one cause of unexpected high water bills. Save your money by inspecting the function of all water using fixtures and systems on a regular maintenance schedule. If you need assistance on any question about your water use, please call the AWSC office at 940-464-7713.
The narrative below was adapted from a City of Dallas publication to its customers. It also applies to our area. Dallas has enacted a year-round 2 day per week watering schedule as its normal policy.
Q: Can I keep my landscape alive if I can only water twice per week?
A: Horticultural experts agree that landscapes are healthiest with deep and infrequent watering. Even in the heat of summer, landscapes only need about one inch of water every 5 to 10 days to thrive. Watering your landscape too often encourages shallow roots which are more susceptible to damage from extreme heat, freezing temperatures, pests, diseases and future drought conditions. Native or adapted plants require even less water – in the right conditions some perennial flowers can go weeks without supplemental watering.
Q: But what about last year, I was watering every other day and my plants still died?
A: Area horticulturalists are saying that many of the plant losses from last year were due to landscapes being over watered or to the extreme temperatures. Some plants couldn’t survive the heat, water wasn’t the problem – they just couldn’t survive the high air temperatures. Others were weakened by the heat, and then suffocated because they were drowned with excessive amounts of water. Signs of heat stress are similar to the signs of a plant needing more water. If a plant is drooping in the afternoon, check it the next morning. If it looks OK, the problem is the heat. Also check the soil – the surface area may feel dry, but check a few inches below the surface. The soil below may still have plenty of water. This will prevent the accidental drowning of your landscape. Three to four inches of mulch can also make a big difference in shading the soil and reducing evaporation.
Q: But I’m trying to establish a new lawn or new landscaping – how can I do that on a twice-weekly watering schedule?
A: Temporary variances will be allowed for new landscaping. Contact the AWSC office for details. If you are only planting a few new shrubs or a new tree, those can be watered with a soaker hose, hand held hose or drip irrigation system on any day without a variance. We at AWSC are honored to serve you. Please contact us with any question you may have about your water service.